THE PURPOSE OF A PUPPY!! And we have two female pups right now: Sweet Adeline and Addie Mae - see them on our site: www.greenlandhollerpets.org or email: susannespirit@mac.com BUT . . . If you want our dogs fixed how will we get puppies? I hear two opinions in one. The family that is appalled because her neighbor did not fix her dog, and now there are puppies, are the same people who will be first in line to take one of the cute darlings. Its no different than our own babies born. I’ve yet to see an ugly newborn child. They are all beautiful, as puppies too are all just adorable! Puppies make beautiful gifts for children. The relationship is perfect. Have you seen a child pick up a puppy? Its breathtaking. It’s God at his finest. These babies have not had treats before, or toys, or played, and to watch them learn and love puts a peace in my heart to be found nowhere else. You can’t deny puppies are heart-warming, and are the perfect dog for growing families. Exc...