Jada a 103 lb. German Shepherd came to us broken by humans. Now ready for her own home!

Jada Young girl phoned, her life in a shambles and unable to keep her 103 lb purebred German Shepherd, crying, begged for our Sanctuary to please, please, please take in her little girl, Jada. Nearly impossible task, I knew, but my heart went out to this kid. And what also lured me in was that in the middle of her disaster she was reaching out to rescues to help her save her baby girl, Jada, who had been with her since a puppy. She mothered this dog. The girl did not want to put her baby in a shelter. She said, “It will panic her!.” Plus she wondered with Jada being a Big Girl how long a shelter would keep her alive. Some how I knew we had to help. I began with questions: Is Jada friendly to other dogs? YES Does Jada like humans? YES How is she with children? EXCELLENT Does she have her shots? NO, NOT FOR THREE YEARS (okay) Is she fixed? YES Microchipped YES Housetrained? NO. Was for her first year. Then Mama got a boyfriend who didn’t like Jada...