Jada a 103 lb. German Shepherd came to us broken by humans. Now ready for her own home!


Young girl phoned, her life in a shambles and unable to keep her 103 lb purebred German Shepherd, crying, begged for our Sanctuary to please, please, please take in her little girl, Jada. Nearly impossible task, I knew, but my heart went out to this kid. And what also lured me in was that in the middle of her disaster she was reaching out to rescues to help her save her baby girl, Jada, who had been with her since a puppy. She mothered this dog. The girl did not want to put her baby in a shelter. She said, “It will panic her!.” Plus she wondered with Jada being a Big Girl how long a shelter would keep her alive. Some how I knew we had to help. 

I began with questions: 
  1. Is Jada friendly to other dogs? YES
  2. Does Jada like humans? YES
  3. How is she with children? EXCELLENT
  4. Does she have her shots? NO, NOT FOR THREE YEARS (okay)
  5. Is she fixed? YES
  6. Microchipped YES
  7. Housetrained? NO. Was for her first year. Then Mama got a boyfriend who didn’t like Jada, and this poor, poor dog was tossed outside to live outside, by herself for the last three years. (It was this statement that broke my heart. I told the girl she needed to gather some funds to give us for taking her dog, and taking care of it, and she could. bring the dog today at 1 PM. And she is. 

Next step for me was to find a sponsor/donor to help pay for shots, a wellness visit, and get the dogs nails trimmed. Immediately I phoned what has been one of our regular vets, that about a year ago, I saw get mean to a dog, and I stopped going to him, but his shots are cheap. Well, I was told they could not accept a credit card phone in, so I thanked them and moved on.  We have been using a VCA clinic most of the time, but their costs are too high for a rescue. So I phoned another local small vet, and when I told the young lady that answered the phone it was me, Susanne Spirit, with Musical Truckin Dogs, she replied, “How have you been? Where have you been? We miss you and all your babies.” I knew I had found our new vet, and when asked about taking donors credit cards by phone her answer was, “Absolutely.

Then I had to figure out who to call first. There is a wonderful lady now retired from fundraising for animal shelters in Minnesota, and if she can give she always steps up to the plate, on the spot. I don’t have days, or even hours most times, I need a response and action NOW! And with all the love in her heart, especially for shepherd, she said give me the phone number, I’ll get the monies all set up for her. I love this woman; she always loves to talk to the clinic, and find out what they are doing.  It’s like having an angel at our side. Well, not only did she order the shots, this friend, told the. Vet, “You better do a wellness check on this girl dog, and deworm her too, she needs the works, and please trim her nails.” I cried when I found out what this lovely lady had insisted on having done for this yard dog, so that we would know all the facts. The cost was $167, and it was her decision. Jada got treated like royalty, thanks to one lady taking action. 

Jada and her family were arriving in about two hours from this time. I was nervous, as you really never know what you get with a small or big dog. 

I had to laugh because let me tell you God surrounds us in these remarkable moments. We know taking this big dog on, is quite an undertaking.  Well, mom, her two young boys, who show no affection to the dog, which tells all, and her new boyfriend’s brother come with Jada. She has on a Spike collar, and is nervous. She barked at me, and my husband. Not good. But here is the miracle of love surrounding us: 
1. A very durable young lady shows up a few minutes before Jada and family arrive to interview with us to become an intern to Greenland Holler Pets Sanctuary. She barely had time to hand us her resume, and the family showed up. Now I can hardly walk, and this young lady says, “Our family dog is a 103 lb. shepherd. Let me get her from the family. And this girl took over. Jada instantly loved her too. 

Family is a mess . . . . well Mom is doing the best she can. Jada was her baby for two years. Then she met her husband, and he hated dogs, and put Jada outside where she remained this entire time, tied up, and little human contact. Her divorce from this man is what led this woman to find a new home for a dog she did once love. But she told us, as she sobbed, “I phoned so many rescues, and each one was MEAN to me, telling me I was an awful person for not taking care of my animal.” Oh I agree, but thats not the plan or the way to treat a human being who just does not have a clue, and is trying. I want to be kind to this family, and grateful that Jada is now in our hands, and won’t be lonely or abandoned again.    She weighed in at 102!   Being fed Pedigree has her shedding heavily, but that all changed now.  She got tons of fresh chicken, she really loved the chicken. And. Is now eating Taste of the Wild, and Halo. 

Im getting ahead of myself. So we are all standing there, and I mention that we have everything set up shortly for her to see our vet and get all her shots, and other needed things. That young lady that showed up to be an intern states, “I can take her, its not a problem at all.” Then the other girl who had come earlier, who went to our mall to see if there is a space we could gather once a month to have community members bring their dogs and just get to share with other dog lovers, and have some lunch. She pulled up just as we were about to load up Jada to go to vet. The new girl said, “I can go with you, and you guys just wait here, we’ll handle Jada. And off they drove in our van with this precious big girl to our local vet. 

The vet met them outside to make sure all was safe. And Jada got all fixed up! Kids came back. And our first goal was to take off that spike collar. Well, Jada got scared. We instantly realized that this Mom’s husband was mean to this dog. Jada growled at Michael, so it will take a few days, and lots of fresh chicken treats, to be able to cut that thing off her poor neck.   She will feel way better. And her new life will be on its way! 

Jada is still with us, and for good reason. She needed rest, to learn people love her, to learn how to run, she had no idea how to run,  she was chained. So day by day she is getting it all, and happy. She licks my fingers to give me love. I adore her. 

Please adopt her, please, or sponsor her, Donate NOW! 

Sent from my iPad


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