Everyday the critical calls come in, “Please take my dog! I cant keep it” And usually has medical issues.

 One More Urgent Call Saying, "I Can't keep my dog!" One More Dog Suffering, One More Dog                          "We have to save!." And always, always, always, its a critical mess. Jada had infected sores on neck from a spike collar two times too small that had been around her neck for three years as she was alone in a back yard, tied up!

A young lady had started phoning our Sanctuary about three weeks prior and would call almost daily, but I found many lies in each call. Her first call was about another dog she said she couldn't keep and she was going to be homeless. But same call she told me her mom had ten puppies and a 9 month old one, and the mom and dad, and grandparents to puppies, nothing made sense. Then she calls me and says she found the other dog a home, she has a place to live but she cant keep her dog, the nine month old. The dog is papered too. So I asked her to send me a copy of the papers on my phone. "Well I dont have real papers!" "You just told me this second litter is papered too." " Oh  no, I just know they are pure." "Well dont sell them as papered, its FRAUD!   The only paper she had was paper the dogs pooped or pee pee on. Now Im getting concerned for the welfare of this nine-month old puppy. 

Next call . . . "my mom cant keep her, shes in her yard." And why, why, why would this young girl move into a room, supposedly, where she cant keep her dog. I have no idea what the truth of any of it is. 

Finally I told her to bring  $100 and the dog. She did. And just carried on about how sad she was. She is making decisions, has a job where she wears suits, but now she is on her knees crying. She wanted to be involved in everything. I told her its not possible. First of all I cant have her call a family insanely that adopts this dog; Secondly she cant come here daily to be with the dog. Now suddenly she is so caring. She's young, but it was like a hustle. And her mother is selling the other puppies for $500 a piece; and wanted to know if we could refer people.  No, no no, we have liabilities. 

They did fix this little girl, and the family gave her the shots, from a feed store. Are they in the rescue business? Whats the deal? And why was this dog out of eight other puppies who were sold,  left behind. ????

Her calls were draining to my soul, and disturbing, worried about this puppy. But she brought her, and did have to finally ask her to leave; the girl just would not stop crying. Well, when she left we realized this dog was petrifed. In all our years, many now, of handling dogs in rough situations, this female dog was our worst. She was terrified. What had really happened to this puppy? My anger got worse moment to moment; while just being grateful we had her here, and we could love her all we could do. 

Oh next challenge, the girl had named the dog Blu, so on my first posting, people were all confused: "Is This dog a Boy or Girl!"   So I renamed the dog Savannah Blu . . . .now people on the adoption sites knew this dog was a girl. Michael had to cut tops off of those big dog houses, we wanted her to be open and see everyone. Her space was 10 x30 with two dog houses, beds, etc. but she was hiding in the big dog house. She had never had meat or bread.  Family were vegan. Well penaut butter sandwiches and cooked real chicken were our link to love with Savannah Blu. 

My stomach turned,  were we doing the right thing or was this dog going to full of surprises. Never know ! 

So for two days we gave this dog our all. Michael rebuilt her kennel, and hours went into 


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