How Do Families Face The Horror of Aging?

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When we are young, in love, raising babies, raising dogs, buying so many things we just have to have from drinking glasses, to pretty candles to beautiful couches where our whole family would sit and create memories, and one day, almost in the blink of any eye, its over. You or your spouse get sick, kids are grown and have more kids, and don't really need your stuff, and you have a couple of dogs you have raised since they were pups, and they are now 10 TO 11 years, or older, and your spouse dies, a stranger is in your HOME helping you sell, sort or simply throw away all these precious memories.  You would do more about it all, but you are sick too. You can barely walk now, and you have to go into an assisted living home. 
And one morning you take those two dogs, a part of  your soul, and you hand them to a complete stranger, praying this person will love these babies as you have, that this stranger will let these tiny precious dogs sleep in her bed, and let them go under the covers like they have done every night for years. And you pray your deceased spouse somehow knows the pain, and knows how you loved these dogs, all your memories, but there is not one damn thing  you can do about any of it. You are sick now too.
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How do we wake up and face this day, and it happens, and happens and happens to so many of us, and its sad. And during your last surgery the nurse brings you breakfast and  you cant reach the tray. You ask her, " Can you help me eat?" And she says, " Don't  you have family? Its not my job." No, I don't have family here, and my spouse just died, And no one cares. 
I have no idea how each of us face this horror. But sadly its something most of us face. So, I pray that anyone reading this note first of all will consider adopting these senior dogs. I get five hundred calls on puppies, and maybe one on seniors. Its not right. If you are older, get an older dog. I won't adopt a puppy to older people. Its not right, you are older, these are Gods helpless babies, let s at least treat our senior dogs as we want to be treated as the grey hairs begin to arrive. 
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And if you cant adopt a senior dog, then sponsor one, take on some of the medical costs. Care, and let God know you are helping those dogs with the greatest needs,, our seniors.  How do you think they feel losing the people they have only known most of their lives. And they cant tell anyone. 
I feel honored I get to help these babies. Binky has a small tumor, Minnie needs her teeth cleaned, Right now Im giving them fresh chicken. They are safe, and they will be sleeping in our bed, with other dogs, but they will be able to go under the covers like they have done for most of their lives.
Love you Binky and Minnie. and all my prayers to the people having to face these devastating issues. 
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My Adoptapet and Petfinder Ad on these two dogs that have lived the above situation:
Binky and Minnie are just precious. Seniors but loved and healthy. Binky is ten, Minnie eleven and been together their whole lives. Picture of the lady, is Barbara, she was mom to her babies since they were both puppies. But Mom died recently, and this week the family had to move Dad into a Senior housing situation. My heart just felt so bad for this poor man. he could barely walk, lost his wife, now his home and all the things he's known for years, and to hand over his two dogs to me, well I was honored. I want him to visit often and who ever takes these two angels I want to be in touch with this Dad. I will not separate them, they are bonded at the hip, and so so so so so adorable. They weigh 6 lbs. and 7.2 lbs. Binky looks like a shrunken siberian husky/ or toy. He is adorable, and he protects Minnie at all times. They are sweet babies, and doing really well. yesterday they were just clinging to each other, today they have friends with some of our other senior tiny  doggies. So they are coming a long way. Minnie is a Yorkie and thinks she is a cat. But it has to be so frightening to these tiny babies.
Text me at 909-208-6889 please, and let me know you may want to adopt them together. If interested fill out our adoption application at  front page upper right. 
Apply today, we want them to get their new home soon, as they are going to get bonded quickly and we don't want them to be harmed or afraid. 
Cell 909-208-6889                                                                                                                


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