This dog is Chiquito at the shelter before we picked him up, got him to our vet where he finally was given pain meds and given help for his 65% burns. This rubber box is torn he has been given to sleep in at shelter, I cant imagine how those ridges hurt his poor sore and burned inside and outside body. We took it on, and We saved his life, but he had to spend weeks at our vet's hospital. And all funding was supported by us and our Sanctuary.
SO . . . . . Calling all animal lovers . . . I beg you to join me in supporting our dog sanctuary or any dog rescue much need of your help. It costs a fortune for us to save one life. We have set up a gofundme to raise awareness for the public to find it in their hearts to assist with donations and/or funds. Please give something today.
Many dogs come to us in this horrifying condition. Both these dogs were young, its devastating, and yes its hard to look at, harder for us to hold and love every day without crying, but if we dont look at it, and do SOMETHING, then we are just as much at fault as those that starved the baby. You are doing nothing. Please do SOMETHING! We heal their bodies n souls. Walk with us as we save harmed dogs, day after day, after day, it doesn't just happen once in awhile, its daily.

This precious little girl came in also bones, only two teeth left, and both rotten, and had a heart murmur at her eleven years old. She was being euthanized. I begged to just give her to ME She is well now, has a wonderful home, and could live another ten years. She loves HALO canned foods.
Listed here are some basic items that would benefit the cause rather than donate cash:
SOFT FOOD AND TREATS: We prefer the brand HALO for our seniors and others that come in to us with rotten teeth or no teeth. And MILK BONE SOFT AND CHEWY treats. Taste of the Wild sponsors us and donates a lot of their excellent product, but its kibble, and many older dogs do not have the teeth to shew the good dry stuff, they can inhale canned food or soft treats.

BONELESS CHICKEN OR GROUND BEEF: Everyday, YES EVERYDAY, Susanne and Michael make soft food for thtese special needs little loved ones consisting of chicken or beef, rice and veggies. If a dog is sick, or going through the drama of rehoming this "Comfort" food dish always hits the spot.

BLANKETS: Truckers used to give the Sanctuary moving blankets, and they worked out great but the needs for SUPER SOFT blankets, comforters, bedspreads, etc. increase daily as the SANCTUARY takes in more and more harmed and needy dogs, big and small. Many time the items to have to be thrown out as the dogs may chew them, or get sick on them, and its just not possible to put the item in a washer. These items give comfort to these lost souls.

DOG HOUSES: These items, including home made ones, are deeply appreciate. We never lock doors, but when a dog is just feeling scared, somehow they love the safety of the warmth of the bigger house filled with soft, soft beds and blankets.

PLAYPENS: Every day the Sanctuary uses playpens, including taking to them the PETSMART dog adoption events. They do get rusty, and getting the steel ones is so worth it, as they dont fall over, and are easier to set up. The Sanctuary gets a lot of puppies, and these are super for the babies. And KENNELS we LOVE! However we need the ones that are already panels. With all the expertise of Michael the kennels need to be panels already put together.

SUPPLIES: Grooming accessories, heavy ceramic or steel food and water bowls, towels, Good fragrant free laundry soap, coolers, heaters, medical funds . . . . when we take a sick one on the needs are NOW!

Each dog you help will be forever grateful to you for taking a moment and reaching into you pockets, and helping these innocent creatures ofd God get the love and attention the need while at the Sanctuary, getting well, and eventually getting ga wonderful home. The heat is here and the Sanctuary needs a cook safe place where the dogs can eat, sleep, swim and play.
Please consider becoming a forever parent to one of the amazing loving dogs that are in the Sanctuary. Visit the website: We promise you wont be disappointed.
You can also sponsor a dog for $150 so owe can give a senior dog to a senior or child. Please consider this life-saving gift today. Dont wait as if the Sanctuary is full a dog dies somewhere else.
We can only save when we have the space.
See and help today! Share this gofundme with your friends please. Just help save ONE LIFE~
This Sealy Bed is one of our Favorites:
Kids in the ghetto of Corona Ca lit this dog on fire on a culdesac; Police called, "There is a dog on fire in our yard." Dog was picked up: NO ONE WAS ARRESTED! And look at thie bin where he had to lay his head that night, until we rescued him in the morning. DONATE TODAY SO WE CAN CONTINUE TO SAVE LIVES OF HARMED DOGS! 

The fees to run this operation are outstanding within our county. And we only have a half acre of land, not a full acre as required by their rules. We have saved more dogs harmed in our facility than most shelters but they arent willing to help us, but rather insist on their rules: They want $30,000 and we have to join our land with a neighbor. Why? Our site is impeccable, and our success rate is enormous. Why? Help us, support us, dont harm us, and all they are doing is harming the dogs!
Many dogs come to us in this horrifying condition. Both these dogs were young, its devastating, and yes its hard to look at, harder for us to hold and love every day without crying, but if we dont look at it, and do SOMETHING, then we are just as much at fault as those that starved the baby. You are doing nothing. Please do SOMETHING! We heal their bodies n souls. Walk with us as we save harmed dogs, day after day, after day, it doesn't just happen once in awhile, its daily.

This precious little girl came in also bones, only two teeth left, and both rotten, and had a heart murmur at her eleven years old. She was being euthanized. I begged to just give her to ME She is well now, has a wonderful home, and could live another ten years. She loves HALO canned foods.
Listed here are some basic items that would benefit the cause rather than donate cash:
SOFT FOOD AND TREATS: We prefer the brand HALO for our seniors and others that come in to us with rotten teeth or no teeth. And MILK BONE SOFT AND CHEWY treats. Taste of the Wild sponsors us and donates a lot of their excellent product, but its kibble, and many older dogs do not have the teeth to shew the good dry stuff, they can inhale canned food or soft treats.

BONELESS CHICKEN OR GROUND BEEF: Everyday, YES EVERYDAY, Susanne and Michael make soft food for thtese special needs little loved ones consisting of chicken or beef, rice and veggies. If a dog is sick, or going through the drama of rehoming this "Comfort" food dish always hits the spot.

BLANKETS: Truckers used to give the Sanctuary moving blankets, and they worked out great but the needs for SUPER SOFT blankets, comforters, bedspreads, etc. increase daily as the SANCTUARY takes in more and more harmed and needy dogs, big and small. Many time the items to have to be thrown out as the dogs may chew them, or get sick on them, and its just not possible to put the item in a washer. These items give comfort to these lost souls.

DOG HOUSES: These items, including home made ones, are deeply appreciate. We never lock doors, but when a dog is just feeling scared, somehow they love the safety of the warmth of the bigger house filled with soft, soft beds and blankets.

PLAYPENS: Every day the Sanctuary uses playpens, including taking to them the PETSMART dog adoption events. They do get rusty, and getting the steel ones is so worth it, as they dont fall over, and are easier to set up. The Sanctuary gets a lot of puppies, and these are super for the babies. And KENNELS we LOVE! However we need the ones that are already panels. With all the expertise of Michael the kennels need to be panels already put together.

Please consider becoming a forever parent to one of the amazing loving dogs that are in the Sanctuary. Visit the website: We promise you wont be disappointed.
You can also sponsor a dog for $150 so owe can give a senior dog to a senior or child. Please consider this life-saving gift today. Dont wait as if the Sanctuary is full a dog dies somewhere else.
We can only save when we have the space.
See and help today! Share this gofundme with your friends please. Just help save ONE LIFE~
This Sealy Bed is one of our Favorites:


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