Why  I Love CHIHUAHUA'S!!!

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I get many, many variety of breeds of dogs in at our Sanctuary, but I adore and love the little chihuahuas. They are gentle, sweet, so loving, and I can carry them wherever I go just like the girl in Legally Blonde.

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Here's a few we adopted recently: 

This is Ruger: His entire body had been burned with cigarettes when we saved him. I never had a dog   so intense with gratefulness and love. Great home now!
 Ruger in his new home.

Penny is a reindeer chihuahua. Eleven years old her owners family was going to kill her as she only had two teeth left, and both were severely infected, and she had a heart murmur. Well, I insisted she was brought to us, we took this pure sick pretty girl. Had her teeth removed, and dealt with  her infection; her heart murmur is better and better, and she loves HALO soft canned foods, and real chicken cut in tiny pieces. She is going to live forever........and so so happy. Does not leave her new moms side, ever.                              
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Meet Aristotle, eleven years old, and a family with kids one day at our Petsmart event just fell in love with this old dude who acts like a puppy. Anyway, what a great family!!! We need more and more people like these folks. 

A ten week old Bassett hound came to in the Sanctuary awhile back, and in 5 days I had 587 serious adopters for this dog with ears so long he has to flip them to eat, who is over ambitious and requires almost 24/7 attention to make sure he does not find something on the floor that could kill him, and his drinking ability requires a tub to protect all things from the splashing of the water as he sips gently his love of this cooling liquid. He came to us because the man that paid $4,500 for him from a breeder out of Oklahoma could not get his money back, and our Cyrano could not walk as this poor pup had been locked in a cage. We had him walking in about four days and within a week he was running. The mentality of people just blow me away as we have thousands of chihuahuas sitting in our shelter, most of them never getting adopted, and eventually get put to death.

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At Christmas we took eleven of these adorable precious babies from a year old to many being  ten to twelve, but with all the piss n vinegar of a pit bull. And actually we have adopted most os them now to excellent homes, and people who get it that by adopting these babies, especially the seniors these folks are doing Gods finest work. They are protecting sweet angels that can not help themselves. At night as these creatures all have their positions on our bodies I just thank God for the opportunity to love these babies. 

This little adorable Captain Cowboy came to us unable to walk also because his legs were hurt as a baby. At first we could not touch him at all, but now well, he is the love buy to all new babies coming in. We could not pick him up to go to shows, but he liked it that way, so have just let him be comfortable, and love more and more everyday. Now he's ready for adoption. 

 This is John Wayne, aka, John Boy. Again this dachshund chihuahua had his front legs harmed, he's  bowlegged from his abuse. But he us absolutely the most loving dog ever. At night he hugs with all his heart. Most nights once he's got his spot on your body, he won't move at all...Love him deeply. Great companion.

 Goofy Doofy was brought to us by Orange County police. He is a pug chihuahua, and smart, smart, smart. His back legs broken with a baseball  bat, however he doesn't care. When he pees he just lift hi whole back in the air, so he doesn't pee on himself. Love him, love him, love him. If you want the most loving dog ever, he is your man.

I am begging you to consider a change of heart, and give one of these little bubbers your family and love. Recently I faced horrifying medical issues and let me tell you, these are the dogs in our home/sanctuary that knew I was sick, and stayed at my side. Its all they needed was to know I was okay, and to let me know they needed me and to get well.

And this is Mamma Mia, an apple head chihuahua. Her mix is most likely some Corgi as she has these little legs, but she will love you with her soul. Adopt her today! 

Mamma was near bones when we saved her life, but food is her comfort. This tiny dog can eat an entire breast of chicken, but she eats like a lady, or a queen taking all the time in the world she needs to enjoy the food. Im sure she was starved. And probably fed once a day, which especially for these tiny ones, they need to eat when they are hungry. All our dogs are free fed. Can you eat once a day????




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