Want to help our animals? Donate today!

We, Greenland Holler Pets, have been doing dog, and cat, rescue for over fifteen years, are mission is to help harmed and medically ill babies, never taking in fluff dogs, but ones at shelters on death row, or owner take-ins that are critical nightmares, etc. We handle up to 35 animals at Sanctuary, and we have saved and adopted out over 10,000 animals.

This year we are planning to create two bills, Ruthies Bill, to change the laws on people being able to have more than four dogs so dogs on death row at shelters can be adopted and saved. And, Baby Boo’s Bill . . . To force shelters to use a tranquilizer when they have to euthanize an animal. Currently shelters do not use a tranquilizers and the suffering for these helpless dogs is cruel torture.

And of courage daily helping every animal we can especially helping the death row dogs at our shelters. We save lives, and every dog, old or young, gets fresh cooked chicken daily at the sanctuary and the best food possible from Halo to Taste of the Wild, and we insist on immaculate surroundings and all animals get lots and lots of love.

We need funds to grow, and keep up the work. Shots on one dog is $76.80. Teeth work is always a minimum of $500. We take in a lot of seniors, who need us. Just took in a 16 year old sweetheart from Carson Animal Shelter. That dog’s teeth are rotten creating heart and trachea issues that are severe. And of course every animal must be fixed, and chipped. Owner turn-ins never have shots or are fixed, as people show up with new cars to drop off their dogs. It is disgusting, but always grateful that once that animal is in our care, proper health concerns will be completed, and the animal will no longer be laying on cement, or have filthy dirty water, and sores will be healed, or other medical concerns.  Donate: www.greenlandhollerpets.org


We hope we can work with you as we cant do our journey alone, as I believe it was Shakespeare said, “It takes a community to raise a child, well it takes a community to save an animal.

Also we do a once a month “Pet Social” at one of our prestigious malls, Dos Lagos, in Corona California. . Our purpose is only to enlighten folks, and have them bring their pets to share stories, and make folks aware of the seriousness of our overflow of animals abandoned. We have our Senator speaking, doctors, and as many animal experts as we can find to share their knowledge of animal care, and children sing for our entertainment, with our volunteers all local seniors and school kids.

Anyway, Our growth needs your help. Please let me know what I need to do to involve you in our mission, and help to allow our Sanctuary to prosper and save animal lives.

Susanne Spirit

Greenland Holler Pets
19414 Dry Gulch Road
Corona, CA 92881


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